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Paraffin wax


Paraffin Wax

Discover the versatility of paraffin wax with our range of high-quality blocks, available in various sizes to suit your needs. From candle making to industrial applications, medical uses to cosmetics, paraffin wax offers a multitude of benefits across different sectors.

Block Sizes:

  • 500g
  • 1kg
  • 5kg
  • 10kg


1. Candle Making: Paraffin wax is a popular choice for candle making due to its ability to hold color and fragrance, providing both illumination and ambiance.

2. Industrial Applications: In the industrial sector, paraffin wax is used for coatings and insulation purposes, offering a cost-effective solution for various manufacturing processes.

3. Medical Uses: Paraffin wax is utilized in the medical field for skin care and heat therapy treatments, providing relief for conditions such as arthritis and muscle pain.

4. Lubricants and Electrical Insulation: Paraffin wax serves as a key component in some lubricants and electrical insulation materials, offering lubrication and protection against moisture and corrosion.

5. Cosmetics: Renowned for its emollient properties, paraffin wax is a common ingredient in makeup and skincare products, providing hydration and skin barrier protection.

Mixing with Microcrystalline Wax: Australian apiarists often use a mixture of microcrystalline wax and paraffin wax for wax dipping. A ratio of 1:1 is commonly employed, resulting in a blend that enhances the durability and weather resistance of hive components.

Unlock the potential of paraffin wax for your projects and applications. Whether you’re crafting candles, manufacturing industrial products, or formulating skincare solutions, our high-quality paraffin wax blocks provide a reliable and versatile ingredient to meet your needs.

Weight 10 kg

500g, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg


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