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Plastic Foundation | Full Depth


Plastic Foundation for Bee Hive Frames

Explore a durable and cost-effective alternative with our Plastic Foundation designed for bee hive frames. These foundations offer several advantages over traditional wax foundations, ensuring longevity, protection against pests, and ease of use for beekeepers.

Key Benefits:

  1. Durability and Reusability: The plastic foundation is highly durable and less prone to damage during hive inspections or honey extraction. Its sturdy construction allows for repeated use, making it a cost-effective choice for beekeepers.
  2. Cost-Effective Solution: With its ability to be reused multiple times, the plastic foundation proves to be a cost-effective solution compared to traditional wax foundations. This durability contributes to long-term savings for beekeeping operations.
  3. Pest and Environmental Resistance: Resistant to wax moth and mice damage, the plastic foundation provides a protective barrier against common hive threats. Its resilience to environmental conditions, including temperature variations, ensures stability during storage.
  4. Honey Extraction Efficiency: Experience smooth honey extraction without the risk of blowouts. The plastic foundation is designed to withstand the forces exerted during honey extraction, maintaining integrity and minimizing potential disruptions to the hive.
  5. No Need for Wire and Eyelets: The foundation features a grooved top and bottom bar, eliminating the need for wire and eyelets. This snug fit streamlines the installation process, offering convenience to beekeepers.

Application Tips:

  1. Surface Coating with Beeswax: For optimal results, coat the surface of the plastic foundation with a thin layer of melted beeswax before introducing it to the hive. This step enhances bee attraction and promotes comb-building activity.
  2. Secure Placement: Install the plastic foundation securely within the frames, ensuring proper alignment for bee accessibility.

Experience the Future of Beekeeping:

Elevate your beekeeping practices with our Plastic Foundation, a resilient and efficient solution that aligns with modern beekeeping needs. Embrace the durability, cost-effectiveness, and protective features of plastic foundations, providing a stable foundation for your bee colony’s well-being. Make the shift to a reliable and sustainable choice for your hive frames.

Weight .155 kg
Dimensions 25 × 43 × 1 cm
Colour Options

Yellow, Black


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