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Bee Food | 1kg


Australian Bee Supplies – ‘ABS Bee Food’ TM

Locally developed for Australian conditions from Australian Ingredients[1]

We can happily say that our Bee Food is made of the highest quality ingredients, they are all ‘Safe for Human Consumption’.

This means we do not use second grade or animal grade products.

All our ingredients are processed at our facility in South Morang, Victoria, in small batches to maintain freshness and quality.

We triple filter all ‘ABS Bee Food’ TM  so it is consistent in grain size.

It definitely makes it easier that we have a Tertiary Qualified Scientist educated in Zoology, Biology and Botany on staff who runs over 100 beehives!

Good Luck!

The Bee Team


– Debittered soy flour protein extract

– Brewers yeast

– Skim milk powder

– Sucrose

– Ash

– Citric acid

– Vitamins & Minerals

GMO Free
Basic Nutritional Composition

·       Crude Protein 38.5%

·       Fat 3.0%

·       Ash 2.5%

·       Moisture 6%

Store in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight.

Best before 24 months years from date of manufacture.

‘ABS Bee Food’ TM

Nutrition for Bees:

from Field Experience and Scientific knowhow

  • Full protein & vitamin needs
  • Strengthens Bee colonies
  • Boosts colony strength
  • Locally made in Australia from Australian ingredients
  • All natural ‘Safe for Human Consumption’ Ingredients

Improve your hive with ‘ABS Bee Food’TM  when natural resources are dearth or your colony needs a boost.

Our ‘ABS Bee Food’TM  has been designed from years of field recipes with scientific analysis of what bees require to thrive.

We only use ingredients classified for ‘Human Consumption’ making these the most stringently high quality, we do not use fillers to ‘pack out’ our food.

Why do we do this?

Because WE are beekeepers and feed our girls with only the safest formulas we can manufacture.

We produce small batches under 1000kg to ensure our product is the freshest possible and we only use local ingredients from trusted millers directly from the farm.

Concentrating on the health of the colony will naturally improve bee numbers hence higher nectar collection with more honey.

This also naturally means that pollination is significantly better compared to colonies that have not been fed over low-capacity winter months.

It is most effective to feed bees with low resources (honey/pollen) going into winter as well as giving them a boost 4 weeks before Spring.

This allows the Queen to start laying larger number of eggs earlier as protein from our ‘ABS Bee Food’TM helps in feeding the larvae.


How to Feed

Winter Feed – Making Bee Patties

Dissolve white sugar in hot water (not boiling) at a 2:1 ratio

(two kilos white sugar: one kilo water), you can mix the hot sugar syrup directly into the ‘ABS Bee Food’TM  until it makes a thick paste.

Do NOT use raw sugar as this is not good for gut health and will give your bees the ‘runs’.

Roll out the paste onto ‘baking paper’ (parchment paper) or make ‘patties’, these will thicken overnight.

You can putt the Bee patties into your hive with the baking paper (cut around the patties), the bees will chew the paper and throw it out.

You can also use a ‘fruit dehydrator’ to make the patties thicker and dryer for 4-10 hours at 60-70˚C.

Winter Feed – Powder

Put 250g-500g on a small tray and place under the lid of the top box.

The Bees will consume the feed as needed.


Pre – Spring Feed

Dissolve white sugar in hot water (not boiling) at a 1:1 ratio

(one kilo white sugar: one kilo water), you can mix the hot sugar syrup directly into the ‘ABS Bee Food’TM until it makes a thick paste.

Do NOT use raw sugar as this is not good for gut health and will give your bees the ‘runs’.

Roll out the paste onto ‘baking paper’ (parchment paper) or make ‘patties’, these will thicken overnight.

You can also use a ‘fruit dehydrator’ to make the patties thicker at 4-10 hours at 60-70˚C.

To increase egg production prior to the Spring nectar flow, you can also feed your hive with a sugar syrup at 1:1 with an in-frame feeder or top feeder, around 4 weeks before Spring. This will simulate a nectar flow and start the Queen to lay eggs in larger numbers just like it was Spring.

This process can increase the bee numbers in your hive by 10,000-15,000 resulting in higher yields at first nectar flow.

[1] Soy Beans are processed in Victoria Australia from Raw Canadian Beans

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

500g, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20kg


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